A Middle Schooler’s Back-to-School Photo Takes a Wild Twist with a Slithery Guest

AUBURN, AL – August marked a new school year for students across the country, and for Brooke Mills, a seventh-grader from Auburn, Alabama, it was supposed to be a typical back-to-school day. Like many families, Brooke’s mom, ShaneJoy Mills, had prepared to snap the classic first-day photo, a tradition that many parents use to capture the moment as their children move up a grade. But this year’s snapshot was anything but ordinary when an unexpected guest photobombed the scene, giving the family—and later, the internet—a moment to remember.

A Cherished Tradition with a Twist

For many families, taking back-to-school photos is more than just a fun activity; it’s a way to chronicle milestones, mark the passage of time, and watch their children grow year after year. Brooke’s mother, ShaneJoy, was no exception. As Brooke posed in front of a tree in their backyard, wearing a bright smile and excited for the new school year, ShaneJoy was ready to capture the perfect moment.

“I always take pictures on the first day of school,” ShaneJoy shared. “It’s something I’ve done with all my kids. It feels like a small way to celebrate their progress and remind them of how far they’ve come.”

However, what neither ShaneJoy nor Brooke anticipated was that this seemingly ordinary family tradition would soon take an unexpected turn.

A Chilling Discovery

After snapping the photo, ShaneJoy glanced at the screen to ensure she had captured the perfect shot. At first glance, everything seemed normal—her daughter’s beaming smile, the familiar tree in the background, and a moment that looked just like any other year. But as ShaneJoy examined the picture more closely, something caught her eye—a detail that sent a chill down her spine.

“At first, I thought everything was fine. Then I looked closer, and there it was—a snake, camouflaged against the tree bark,” ShaneJoy told WRBL, a local news station. “It was so well-hidden that I almost missed it entirely.”

The snake, which appeared to be a rat snake, had slithered into the frame and was resting casually on the tree right behind Brooke. Its brown and green scales blended so perfectly with the tree that it was nearly invisible at first.

“I was in shock,” ShaneJoy said. “I tried to stay calm, but I knew I had to get Brooke away from there quickly.”

A Mother’s Quick Thinking

Despite the immediate fear that ran through her, ShaneJoy’s maternal instincts kicked in. She didn’t want to alarm Brooke, so she decided to play it cool.

“I said, ‘Brooke, come here,’” ShaneJoy recounted. “But she just looked at me like, ‘Mom, I’m not done taking pictures!’ So, I said, ‘Brooke, get away from the tree now,’ and I tried to keep my voice calm, but I’m sure my face said it all.”

Brooke, still unaware of the danger, listened to her mother and stepped away from the tree, not knowing that she had been standing inches away from a snake.

Fortunately, the snake appeared to have already eaten, as it seemed disinterested in any activity other than resting on the tree bark. Experts who later saw the photo identified it as a non-venomous rat snake, a common species in the southeastern United States. Rat snakes are known for their ability to camouflage themselves and are generally not aggressive toward humans, making this encounter more startling than dangerous.

An Internet Sensation

What could have been a frightening incident for the Mills family quickly turned into a viral sensation once ShaneJoy shared the photos on Facebook. In her post, she recounted the encounter, playfully adding, “Well, seventh grade, here she comes! Looks like a friend wanted to go with her. Lucky for Brooke, he looked like his belly was full.”

The post, which featured the back-to-school photo with the snake prominently lurking in the background, garnered hundreds of likes, shares, and comments within hours. Many users expressed their shock and amusement at the situation, while others shared similar stories of wildlife encounters.

One commenter wrote, “That snake just wanted to be part of the big day too!” Another added, “That’s what I call a back-to-school surprise!”

A Memorable Start to the School Year

While the Mills family was certainly startled by the incident, they were grateful that the snake posed no real danger to Brooke. Instead, the moment has become a story that the family will undoubtedly tell for years to come, and Brooke’s back-to-school photo is now an unforgettable memento.

“It was definitely a scary moment at first, but now we’re able to laugh about it,” ShaneJoy said. “It’s not every day you get a photo bomb from a snake!”

As for Brooke, she may have started seventh grade with an unexpected guest in her photo, but the story of her snake encounter has made her the talk of her school. It’s safe to say that this back-to-school picture will be one for the family album—complete with a slithery surprise.

In the end, the Mills family’s experience serves as a reminder that sometimes life’s most memorable moments come from the least expected sources—even a snake photobomb in Auburn, Alabama.

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